Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Icecrown Citadel and Raiding

Last night, my raiding group (and I) slaughtered Festergut:

 It took us a few attempts, but for not being a raiding guild, and only attempting ICC for a couple of hours one night a week, I was actually impressed that we could pull it off. 

Based on our attempts from last week, I was almost positive that we'd be stuck there for at least a few weeks...but, we weren't! Hooray!

So, after beaming from the success of the kill, I started thinking about raiding and this is what I decided:

I love raiding, I think it is the best part of the game. It combines the social aspect of the game with challenging tasks that make you work as a team in order to succeed.

I hate working in teams. I have always hated it. I am, without a doubt, a complete introvert. I become extremely shy in public and feel awkward in almost all social situations.

Why, then, do I enjoy raiding so much? 

When I'm put on a team for work or for maybe a school project, I always feel as though I probably could have done a better job on my own. However, with raiding, it is completely the opposite. You CANNOT do this on your own, you HAVE to have the others strengths and skills in order to succeed. 

You still have that worry about whether or not someone will hold up their end of the deal, but that thought gets pushed to the back of your mind, because, most of the time, at least in my raiding experience, people are trying their best and if they're not, they'll let you know that, "hey guys, that was totally my fault". In teams at work or at school, it's the complete opposite. No one wants to take the blame for something that happened, and in the same regard, nothing is analyzed afterward to determine how make it better.

I love raiding. I have always loved it. I am, without a doubt, a complete introvert. I become extremely shy in public and feel awkward in almost all social situations. Yet, I love working with my team.

P.S. No making fun of my drawing skillz -- Festergut is one ugly beast.