Friday, March 5, 2010

I have MOVED

I have decided to go elsewhere with my posting.

Check me out at:

Thank you Everyone!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ranting a Bit

I rarely read the forums but when I do, I tend to only read the class forums centering around...the mage...obviously. 

The other day, I casually strolled over to the forums in some spare time I had and discovered a few interesting posts:

2. Ghostcrawler Q&A for Mages (this is an older post, but I just now discovered it)

So, props to the person who made the "New 80 Mage" guide. I wish I had discovered it when ding'd, but, alas, I didn't and instead ran around doing basically nothing until my guild at the time said they'd run me through some heroics so I could get some basic gear. So yes, I was the level 80 mage sitting in my crappy blues leveling up my cooking skill.

This guide covers EVERYTHING I would have wanted to know, and I'm wishing a little that I had written it, but, I do not have that kind of patience. Also, this guide is updated for patch 3.3, so it's not out-of-date like a lot of the things I had found at the time.

So, if you didn't click the link, because you're waiting for me to give you a rundown on the guide, here is the ToC, and that's about as much as you'll get from me. You just basically have to check it out:

I. The Gear Game 
A. Crafted Gear and BoEs
B. Emblem Gear
C. The Land of Heroics
II. The Little Things That Count 
A. Be Enchanted!
B. Gems are Shiny
C. Glyph It! Glyph it Good!
D. Get a Job! (Profession Choices)
E. Mmm! Food, Flasks, and More
III. Raiding Tips 
A. Stats, Specs, and Rotation
B. Good Mage Manners
C. Gear Score and You
D. General Tips
E. Addons and UI
F. Macros
G. Why Do I Suck? [Sadface]*
H. Further Reading* 

So yes, it includes a lot, and yes, you should read it. Now, if I could just find a great PvP guide. I really know nothing about PvP..I have 45 honor points total and I've literally dueled about 2 people in my entire WoW career. It's just something I've never tried. The only reason I have any honor points at all is because some Blood Elf rogue came and sliced me while I was talking to the vendor in Wintergrasp, so, as soon as I rez'd I had to go show him what's what...and after that I saw some other Hordie up in the sky, so I parked myself on a tower and shot him down. So yeah, that's the end of my PvP'ing. I wonder if I'd like it...I just don't know how to get started or if I should be wearing different gear for it, or anything. Sigh, PvP noobness. 

So anyway, the second item in the list is the Q&A for Mages that was posted sometime back in June of 2009. So yeah, it's older, and yeah, it sucks. I read through it expecting to get some awesome ideas for my blog and instead, came back and started thinking about how I really didn't get much out of this. 

In fact, one of the replies advises that they could have saved some time:

Q: What do you think about mages?
A: Mages are fine

And then we wouldn't have had to read anything else. I kind of agree with that statement. I read a lot of non-mage posts that advises that their class got a lot of attention in the Q&A and a lot of technical questions were answered, so, they're surprised at the lack of information that the mage class received. 

So, I posted it just so I could get your take on it and if you thought it was pointless or not.

I decided not to write about the Cataclysm post today, just because I know other DPS casters already posted on a lot of it, and I'm waiting for something more interesting -- or maybe I'm waiting until I have something more interesting to say -- you get to choose, I guess.

Okay, so, I think I'm gonna finish this off for now. I need to get better about posting more noobness.